Introducing "Life Together: Fall 2017"
In an effort to better communicate the happenings in our life together as Grace Church of DuPage, we're beginning the release of Life Together. This pamphlet will be updated at the start of each semester and once at the start of the summer. It's available to you at the Welcome Center. Please help yourself to as many as you need! This is also a great resources to hang on your fridge, to use as a prayer list, or to use as an invitation for your family, friends and neighbors!
Life Together Includes:
- The upcoming sermon series
- Community Groups (F.L.O.C.K.S.) and other opportunities to engage in Bible study, discipleship, prayer, and accountability groups
- An invitation to participate in the main ministries that take place on Sundays and Wednesdays
- A preview of the months ahead with projected dates and times for events, classes, and opportunities for instruction, fellowship, outreach, and mission.