Grace Church of DuPage

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A Letter from the Kashtans

Dear Friends,

It has been a long time since we wrote. We were never very good at writing, plus we have been very busy...sorry.

Our son Eitan is hiking this week with the youth group around the sea of Galilee.  He is involved in many ways at church.  He helps with the new sound system, teaches the adults in church, and teaches the youth every Saturday.  On Tuesdays, he teaches at one of the home groups.  Please pray for Eitan for wisdom and health with all the pressure that he faces.

During the day, we continue to publish books and magazines for the Christians in Israel and writing books for kids. We are very excited about a new children's book we are publishing that talks about 50 different animals and shows God's wisdom and love.  This book is selling well in secular book stores!  It is the first Christian book that we have been given the opportunity to make available at secular book stores. Usually, the fact that we are the publishers (Christian Jews), is an obstacle that prevents our material from being offered in secular stores... no one wanted to take any books from a Christian publisher.  However, this children's book was a best seller on Passover.  This was great news and a big miracle!

Alon is still serving in the army, he is a major and we can still can't share what he is doing.  He preaches in church from time to time.  It is a joy for us as his parents and for many other people who have known him since he was a young kid growing up in church, to be able to hear him preach.

There is also big news ...Kristina his wife is pregnant and the baby due on the feast of lights...or Christmas – depends where you live.  Please pray with us for Kristina, for a healthy baby and safe delivery.

Liel is getting married soon, on July 13th.  Actually, many of you are part of this too.  For years I asked you to pray for Alon, Amir, Liel and Ehud – first for their salvation and then for a wife/husband that loves the Lord with all their hearts...God is good.  Please pray for Liel and Sergey as they start a new family soon.

One of the nice things about the upcoming wedding is that Amir and Jacqueline will be coming to Israel.  We miss Amir so much. He studies Theology at Liberty collage.  I wonder how many Israelis they have at the college?!

Ehud has finished an officers course. He will serve with the "David Sling", a system similar to the Iron Dom. Please pray for his safety and...for a future wife.  Since we are only a few thousand Christians in Israel, it is also a mission.

This coming Friday we are going to have a big women's conference in Jerusalem. About 300 women from all over Israel usually attend this conference. This time, our topic is Gossiping. I appreciate your prayers as I work very hard for this conference and have the privilege to teach as well.

We are so thankful that so much is happening. Our church is strong and happy and we are happy to keep serving with the dear people in our big family.

Thank you for being faithful in prayers and love.


Orit for the Kashtan family