Grace Church of DuPage

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"In Wisdom You Have Made Them All"

Parent’s Corner- January 13, 2019

“O Lord, how manifold are your works!  In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.  These all look to you, to give them their food in due season.  When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are filled with good things.”

Psalm 104: 24, 27-28 ESV


Over Christmas, my family and I had the opportunity to travel to Florida to spend time with family, visit some local sites, and deliver our older boys to their marching for a bowl game halftime performance.  One of the activities we enjoyed was time at Busch Gardens in Tampa.  We were amazed at the beautiful birds in the enclosed aviary. . . each one with distinct colors, distinct temperaments, and distinct eating habits.  We were amazed yet again at God’s creativity and power in creation! 

Our children are all unique as well, as are we, their parents.  The same God made us all and loves us all, uniquely, and perfectly!  As we take time to be thankful, let us also remember to point to God as the giver of these gifts. . . and let our children hear us do so! 

This Week in Sunday School-


2/3s- Who is This Child?  The Story of Jesus in the Temple

Scripture- Luke 2:41-52

Lesson Truth- Jesus loved his parents

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson

1.     Affirm that Jesus was once a child like they are, but special- God’s own son

2.     Tell how Jesus’ mother and father loved him and took care of him

3.     Sing songs of praise to God for families


4s-5th Grade- God Gives Israel a Prophet and a Judge

Scripture- 1 Samuel 1-7

            *** note, because we are now utilizing the revised Generations of Grace Curriculum in our Sunday School classes, this portion of Parent’s Corner will look a little different.  Each class will not be separated out with differing goals or activities but will be presented as more of a general whole.  Teachers will apply the lesson material to their individual classes as needed and appropriate. 

Supporting Truths- God graciously provides for His people.

1.     God gives grace to His people.

2.     God gives grace to the humble.

3.     God is opposed to the proud.

4.     God gives grace, but He is still holy.

5.     To receive God’s grace, one must repent.


1.     Explain how Samuel was a gracious gift to Hannah and to all Israel.

2.     Compare Hannah’s humble prayer to Israel’s humble repentance.

3.     Explain how God responded to the proud priests.

4.     Explain how the people failed to treat God as holy.


Children’s Church- Jesus is Transfigured

Scripture- Matthew 17:1-8

Lesson Goal- Students will prepare their hearts for the coming of the Son of Man.

Bible Truths-

1.     The disciples saw the “Son of Man coming in his Kingdom”.

2.     The events at Jesus’ transfiguration proved that He is God.

3.     God revealed that Jesus is His on and should be obeyed.

Key Verse- “…and He was transfigured before them.  His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.”  Matthew 17:2