Giving Thanks While Waiting


Parent’s Corner- April 5 and 12, 2020


“As he was drawing near- already on the way down the Mount of Olives- the whole multitude of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen.”  Luke 19:37


What mighty works have you seen?

In what ways has the Lord blessed your family in this time of quarantine?

In what ways has the Lord answered your prayers this week?


Even as we are looking towards celebrating Holy Week in much different ways than we are accustomed, one thing remains the same. . . there are still many reasons to give thanks to and praise to the Lord!  Can you make a list?  Can you challenge yourself to add to it every day?


In the same way that we know how the Palm Sunday and Good Friday stories will end in Easter Sunday, we know that this too shall pass and God will be glorified. What wonderful news!


How can your family choose to glorify the Lord during this time?

How can you share this wonderful news with others?


This edition of Parent’s Corner will cover Palm Sunday and Easter.  Based on our individual classes, we will be studying Palm Sunday and Easter one Sunday or the other.   As you focus on the gift of Jesus and His sacrifice this week, may the Lord bring you peace, comfort, and joyful anticipation of the celebration of his resurrection, His Second Coming, and our eternity with Him in Heaven.


This Week at Home in Sunday School. .  .


2s and 3s- Palm Sunday

Scripture- Luke 19:29-38

Lesson Truth- We praise Jesus!

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson:

1.     Tell who the people wanted for their king

2.     Show and tell what the people did on Palm Sunday

3.     Sing songs of praise to Jesus


4s-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-5th- Jesus rises from the dead

Scripture- Mark 16:1-8

Principle- Believers are to be astonished and amazed because of the gospel.

Ask Your Child- Why was the resurrection important?

Apply- By telling others about Christ’s death and resurrection.

This week- As a family, read Mark 16:1-8