Continuing to Wait
Parent’s Corner- January 16, 2022
“I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1 ESV
Waiting is hard for everyone. In His wisdom, the Lord makes different people wait different lengths of time for different answers. In this week’s lessons, there were many different examples of people who waited for God to answer their prayers, as well as examples of how God showed patience in His waiting. Ask your children about those they learned about who had to wait, and then tell them about a time in your life when you had to wait. Maybe the Lord answered your prayer, or maybe you are still waiting for that answer. Either way, it can be a great example of waiting for your child to see from one of the people they love most!
This week in Sunday School. . .
2s and 3s- Jesus in the Temple
Scripture- Luke 2: 41-52
Lesson Truth- Jesus loved his parents
Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during the lesson:
Affirm that Jesus was once a child like they are, but special- God’s own Son
Tell how Jesus’ mother and father loved him and took care of him
4s-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-5th- God Sends Baby Isaac
Scripture- Genesis 21:1-14
Principle- God always keeps His promises.
Ask Your Child- How was Isaac and why was his birth a miracle?
Apply- By trusting God to keep His promises.
This Week- As a family, read Genesis 21:1-14
Next Week- Genesis 22:1-19, Hebrews 11:17-19
Children’s Church- God’s Presence Fills the Tabernacle
Scripture- Exodus 33-34; 40
Principle- God is merciful and faithful
Ask Your Child- How did God’s presence fill the Tabernacle?
Apply- By joyfully praising God for sending His Son and Holy Spirit
This Week- As a family, read Exodus 33-34 and 40.
Next week- Leviticus 1-7