Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs)

ABFs are Sunday school classes geared for adults of all ages and walks of life that provide an additional opportunity to gather around the Word of God for a time of instruction and prayerful response prior to our corporate worship service.

During the academic year, September to May, we have three ABFs teaching through various topics and texts. Series change each season (fall, winter/spring), giving you opportunities to switch it up and engage with different groups and texts.

Our 2025 Winter Adult Bible Fellowship classes Sundays at 9am beginning January 5th:

Room CE-13: Petros/A study of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Malachi: Heart Revival: The Remnant’s Failed Pursuit of Righteousness and the Hope for True Renewal.

Room CE-12: Themelios/We will be focusing on the faith once delivered, as it is expressed through the Heidelberg Catechism.

Room CE-10/11: Kerdos/2 Samuel: As we study through 2 Samuel, we will pick up where 1 Samuel ended, and finally see David take the throne as king over Israel. Yet, David’s kingship doesn’t end like Saul’s, in fact we will notice Yahweh further establishing the throne of David, through Solomon and beyond by means of the Davidic covenant. Also, on display in 2 Samuel will be the themes of justice, mercy, and the consequences of sin. Along with other major biblical themes like God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility will be encountered. Ultimately, the entirety of the story ought to point us to the need of a truly good King – to our need for Jesus.


Learn more about our ABFs

Contact us here to find out more about one or more of our ABF classes. You can also follow Grace Weekly, our church-wide weekly email newsletter for more information.

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