We invite you to gather with us each Lord's Day, for a covenant renewal service in which we commune with the Father, through the Son, in the power of the Spirit. Experiencing God's presence and work, hearing his welcome and word, and responding with worship, prayer, and thanksgiving, we find ourselves revealed and renewed as his New Covenant people.
Sunday Mornings during the academic year
Sunday School for children and adults at 9:00AM
Worship Service on Sunday mornings at 10:30AM
Sunday Evenings during the academic year
Scripture and Song is our description of evenings, usually the first Sunday of each month, given to song, a brief devotional from Scripture, and a prepared personal testimony. Come join us for a time of encouragement, edification, and spiritual refreshment in your walk with the Lord and with His people.
FLOCKS Gatherings, typically the second Sunday evening of each month, are various community groups that are a great way to connect with people in a casual environment. These groups are designed to be for people of all ages and stages in life. Our goal is simply to follow Jesus together. Find out more →
Family Dinners are a time of fellowship over a meal together prepared by our Fellowship Team, typically on the 3rd Sunday of each month. These nights will include a devotional. Gather with us for these times of food and friendship.
In-Home Hospitality. As followers of Jesus, Scripture teaches us to demonstrate Christlikeness and to care for one another through hospitality (1 Peter 4:9). At Grace Church of DuPage, we dedicate one Sunday evening each month, typically the fourth Sunday, toward encouraging you to deepen relationships and build up the body of Christ in love and good works. Invite into your home someone from Church you don’t know well. Or go to a local restaurant. Reach out to your unbelieving neighbors or friends. Whichever it may be, we trust you will make use of this opportunity to deepen your own faith, build up the church, and make God known through your hospitality (Ephesians 3:10).
***Our Summer Worship Service from Memorial Day to Labor Day begins at 9:30AM. There’s childcare for nursery–3 years and Children’s Church for ages 4’s–K during these summer months. Sunday School and ABF classes then resume in the Fall after Labor Day. Also, on Sunday evenings in the summer at 6:00PM we have our Outdoor Devotional and Tailgate BBQs.
Why we gather
Reflecting our church vision prayer, we gather to ask, seek, and knock for God to develop us into a community of worshipers, that bears much fruit, as we live and proclaim the gospel with authenticity and passion. Our church is made up of people— people who need Jesus every day. We gather each Sunday to meet with God, to hear from His Word and to respond to what He has to say to us as a community. In this way we are reminded that we are His and are refreshed in Him and His mission to save us and this world.
We believe that, because of our sin, we are separated from God and the good life that He intends for us. We all fall short of His glory, but by His grace, we put our hope and trust in Jesus. He is saving us and bringing us into a new life of relationship with Himself full of hope and joy. That is what our gathering is all about, and we would love for you to join us regularly to enter into this hope we have in Jesus!
How we gather
Our service’s aim is to be a God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, Spirit-empowered, and cross-focused celebration of the gospel of our crucified, risen, and returning Lord Jesus Christ.
The music style is a blend of old hymns and new songs that encourage our aim as just described above, preparing our hearts for the ministry of the Word through systematic exposition of whole books of the Bible, interspersed with occasional topical expositions. We give the bulk of our time on Sunday mornings to this ministry of expository preaching. What to wear? If you prefer shorts or a suit, that’s fine by us. God is seeking those who would worship in spirit and truth, dress code aside.
We celebrate Communion each Sunday in our morning service.
We celebrate believer's Baptism occasionally on either a Sunday morning or a Sunday evening.
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…but, our life together doesn’t end here.
Beyond a church service, we want to BE the church in service everyday. To each other, and to our communities. We strive to do this, through the following:

Learning to follow Jesus, Who is our life, together.
Learn with us as we seek to magnify the worth of God by exalting our Savior, Jesus Christ, equipping His people, and extending His kingdom. Below are some of the ways to connect in deep, genuine ways with others, desiring to follow Jesus, and teach others to follow Him. Together.