The one supreme authority for the church is Christ and church leadership, gifts, order, discipline, and worship are all appointed through His sovereignty as found in the Scriptures.
➝ GCD Constitution [ Article VIII ]
➝ Doctrinal Statement
Elder & Pastor/Teacher
Daryle has served as the Pastor/Teacher here at Grace Church since 1 February 2005 (which was also his birthday). He and his wife, Jean, have four children, two sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law, and seven grandchildren. The first eighteen years of their ministry life was spent at The Moody Church in Chicago. But now they delight to live in Warrenville, surrounded by miles of biking trails and beautiful forest preserves. Daryle's passion is to preach the truth of God’s Word and call for the response of God’s people while asking, seeking, and knocking for God to cause it to bear much fruit.
Elder & Associate Pastor
Mission Training Academy, Shepherding, Grace Biblical Counseling Ministry
Kipp returned to Grace Church in July 2021. He completed our Pastoral Ministry Training in 2012 before being sent to pastor Bethel Baptist Church, St. Charles, then Bible Baptist Church, Romeoville. Now he has followed God’s call back here! He is married to the love of his life, Melissa, and they have three wonderful daughters. Kipp enjoys spending time with family, and golfing (though the game often seems not to like him!). Kipp is passionate about seeing God’s Word transform people, applying Scripture practically in daily life, and training any who are seeking to serve Christ in the local church.
Lance has attended Grace Church since 2000. He met his wife, Kylie, on a short-term mission trip to Albania while serving in our College Ministry, and they were married in 2006. Lance has lived in this area his whole life, graduating from Wheaton Warrenville South High School in 1997, then from the University of Illinois in 2001. Now he and Kylie are living in Wheaton while raising their three children. He has enjoyed serving as a Deacon, taking his turns in the teaching rotation in his various Adult Bible Fellowships, helping in AWANA Cubbies, and now serving as an Elder.
Elder & Associate Pastor
Youth Pastor, Global and Local Outreach Pastor, Staff Manager
Nick joined our Pastoral Staff in July, 2015. He began as Youth Minister and has since added Staff Manager and Pastor for Global and Local Outreach. He began attending here as a college student in 2005, completed our Pastoral Ministry Training Apprenticeship in 2009, then was sent to Jerusalem where he and his wife, Angel, ministered at a school for Palestinian youth. They have four children and enjoy living nearby to Grace Church. Nick is a Denver native who loves adventures with his kids, date nights with Angel, shepherding our youth, caring for our outreach partners, and teaching God's Word.
Paul, his wife Andrea, and their two daughters started attending Grace Church in 2005. Having served their former church in college ministry, they continue to serve in our Kerdos College & 20s Ministry, with Veritas Network (apologetics & evangelism ministry), and with The Thinklings (theology & apologetics book discussion). He has a passion for engaging unbelievers with the gospel and for equipping believers to serve the Lord with joy and thankfulness.
Wes has been at Grace Church since 2010 and he and his wife, Sara, are blessed with five children, four boys and a girl. He has served in a range of areas over the years including Men’s Ministry, Worship Ministry (drummer), Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF), Awana, and Children’s Ministry. Outside of Church, Wes works for a financial services company, coaches his kids’ sports teams, follows Illini athletics, and enjoys a round of golf when he can. He delights in helping others grow in their love for Jesus and enjoys the energy and chaos that come with raising a young family.
Elder, Emeritus*
Ray served as our Pastor of Global Outreach from January 1999 until he retired April 2020. Ray and his wife, Bobbi, have three children, all married, and nine grandchildren. They have worshiped and served here since 1995, with Ray becoming a lay Elder in 1998, and was named Elder Emeritus upon his retirement. Ray and Bobbi enjoy visiting family and spending vacation time on the beaches of South Carolina. Ray's desire continues to be to encourage God's people toward fruitful living, and especially to identify, equip, and send out God's called laborers to many different mission fields around the globe.
Elder, Emeritus*
Todd and his wife, Cathy have lived in Warrenville since 1979. He built and renovated homes for a living, which was no small task given that they raised six children! Now they have four sons-in-law, two daughters-in-law, and, in Todd's words, "tons of grandchildren." He and Cathy have attended Grace Church since 1998. He served as an Elder from 2012 until 2024, taught Children's Sunday School (he and Cathy still lead Children's Music weekly), loves Wednesday Prayer Meeting, and rarely answers a question without a compelling story. Todd is continually challenged never to underestimate God's goodness to His beloved children.
*No specific responsibilities or privileges come with the Emeritus title; it simply reflects a job well done in the office of Elder over an extended season to the praise of God's glory.
Elder Qualifications
The Biblically designated officers serving under Christ and over the assembly are elders, also called bishops, pastors, and pastor-teachers (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 4:11); and deacons, both of whom must meet Biblical qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-5).
The Deacons shall consist of Grace Church members possessing the qualifications described in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. They shall be servants to the Church as they assist the Elders in the ministry of service to the Church body.
➝ GCD Constitution [ Article XI ]
➝ Doctrinal Statement
Dan has attended Grace Church of DuPage since September 2007. He serves in our Worship Ministry both as a clarinetist and bass clarinetist, and also as a tenor in the choir. He has served in our Audio/Visual Ministry and in our RENEW Ministry as a Youth Leader. Dan currently participates in Adult Bible Fellowships and small groups through our Kerdos College & 20s Ministry (despite being overqualified in either of these metrics!). He has a heart for service to the local church and a deep and genuine love for gospel-minded, like-hearted fellowship and ministry partnership in the body of Christ.
Geoff came to Grace Church in late 2019 and quickly found his home playing bass and guitar in our services. When he’s not on the platform, he’ll often be mixing the audio. At his former church he served in Youth Ministry, and discipling youth still holds a special place in his heart. He and Kirsten were married at Grace Church in 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic. They live in Warrenville. Geoff works as a cybersecurity manager for an IT consulting firm, but during off-hours he enjoys bike-riding, golf, playing his guitars, building Lego, and especially spending time with his wife.
Buildings & Grounds Coordinator & Deacon
Ken came to Grace Church of DuPage (GCD) in 2022, transitioning from our daughter church, Kishwaukee Bible in Sycamore, IL, to accept the position of Building and Grounds Coordinator. Ken and his family lived in Rockford for over thirty years. They began commuting to KBC from Rockford in 1997 after hearing about the church plant from relatives at GCD. Ken and his son and daughter all moved separately in the past three years to DuPage County to join the GCD family. Ken did technical writing and software engineering for thirty-one years at a Rockford Aerospace corporation before retiring in 2019.
Matt found Grace Church several years ago after moving to DuPage County from St. Louis to begin a career with the government. He considers it a privilege to have been baptized here and to have worshiped as a member of the choir. He has also served on our Security Team. Matt and his wife, Kathlyn, were married at Grace Church in 2005 and are blessed to have two children, Kent and Jacquelyn. Matt values the old hymns, the teaching ministries of Grace to You and Renewing Your Mind, and the many lasting friendships that he has formed through the church.
Deacon and Business Administrator
Mike has served as a Grace Church Deacon since 2003, and as Financial Secretary since 1998. Music has played an important role throughout his life, beginning with clarinet in fourth grade and plummeting to bass clarinet in high school and college. Starting with Church Choir eventually led to a men's quartet mission trip to Romania in 2000. This paved the way for Mike and his wife, Leah, to "adopt" two girls who still live in their homeland. Each one of their four kids, three children-in-law, and two grandkids, are, as Mike and Leah would say, “the apple of my eye!”
Deacon Intern
Nathanael has attended Grace Church since April, 2019, and became a Member through a uniquely altered process brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic in September, 2020. He is a life-long resident of Lisle, where he lives with his father, brother, and sister. He has served longer-term on our Audio/Visual Team and with our Decorating Ministry and has recently begun serving with both our Special Needs Ministry and our Fellowship Ministry. Vocationally, he currently works as a designer at Elgin Sweeper. He enjoys spending time with family and friends, taking hikes through our beautiful DuPage County Forest Preserves, and learning theology.
Trace began attending Grace Church in 2016 and became a member in 2019. He and his wife Michelle were married here in July, 2019, on the hottest day of the year! He has served with our Security Team, Hospitality Ministry, Fellowship Committee, and Special Needs Ministry. He especially enjoys serving alongside his wife in some of these areas. Trace deeply appreciates the way Grace Church functions and feels like an extended family, and he also values the Bible-centered teaching. He enjoys fellowshipping over meals and, when there is a potluck, he’s likely to bring the weirdest food you’ll find there!
Qualifications for Deacons
The Biblically designated officers serving under Christ and over the assembly are elders, also called bishops, pastors, and pastor-teachers (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 4:11); and deacons, both of whom must meet Biblical qualifications (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-5).
Pastoral Staff
For some larger ministries, the Elders have determined that it is necessary for the shepherding and oversight of that ministry to be done by a full-time pastoral staff member. The Elders have searched for biblically qualified and gifted men to fill these roles. All staff members are required to fulfill the qualities of a Deacon as expressed in I Timothy 3:8- 13 and be actively involved members of Grace Church of Dupage.
Elder & Pastor/Teacher
Daryle has served as the Pastor/Teacher here at Grace Church since 1 February 2005 (which was also his birthday). He and his wife, Jean, have four children, two sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law, and seven grandchildren. The first eighteen years of their ministry life was spent at The Moody Church in Chicago. But now they delight to live in Warrenville, surrounded by miles of biking trails and beautiful forest preserves. Daryle's passion is to preach the truth of God’s Word and call for the response of God’s people while asking, seeking, and knocking for God to cause it to bear much fruit.
Elder & Associate Pastor
Mission Training Academy, Shepherding, Grace Biblical Counseling Ministry
Kipp returned to Grace Church in July 2021. He completed our Pastoral Ministry Training in 2012 before being sent to pastor Bethel Baptist Church, St. Charles, then Bible Baptist Church, Romeoville. Now he has followed God’s call back here! He is married to the love of his life, Melissa, and they have three wonderful daughters. Kipp enjoys spending time with family, and golfing (though the game often seems not to like him!). Kipp is passionate about seeing God’s Word transform people, applying Scripture practically in daily life, and training any who are seeking to serve Christ in the local church.
Elder & Associate Pastor
Youth Pastor, Global and Local Outreach Pastor, Staff Manager
Nick joined our Pastoral Staff in July, 2015. He began as Youth Minister and has since added Staff Manager and Pastor for Global and Local Outreach. He began attending here as a college student in 2005, completed our Pastoral Ministry Training Apprenticeship in 2009, then was sent to Jerusalem where he and his wife, Angel, ministered at a school for Palestinian youth. They have four children and enjoy living nearby to Grace Church. Nick is a Denver native who loves adventures with his kids, date nights with Angel, shepherding our youth, caring for our outreach partners, and teaching God's Word.
Minister of Worship & Assistant Pastor
Daryle has attended Grace Church since 2005 when his father was called to be our Pastor/Teacher. After graduating from Wheaton Warrenville South High School, he enrolled full-time at College of DuPage and continued his involvement with our Kerdos, Youth, short-term Missions, and Music ministries. He earned a BA in History from Judson University and has also completed the Liturgy and Music Training Apprenticeship in our Mission Training Academy. Daryle and his wife Maggie have four children. Together they enjoy writing songs and hymns for the church which you can access by searching Worley Folk on your favorite online listening source.
Ministry & Support Staff
Committed members, ready to serve and facilitate ministry in the life of the body here at Grace Church of DuPage. All staff members are required to fulfill the qualities of a Deacon (or Deaconess) as expressed in I Timothy 3:8- 13 and be actively involved members of Grace Church of Dupage.
Women's Ministry Coordinator
Carley is a wife to a wonderful husband, Matt, and mother of three beautiful kids. The Freemans live in Naperville. For eight years Carley taught at a bilingual school (English/Spanish) in West Aurora and, after having her second baby, decided it was time to be a stay-at-home mom. She now tutors and substitute teaches on the side but is most passionate about her marriage and discipling her children in the ways of the Lord and teaching them His Word. She enjoys visiting Matt’s family in California and encouraging relationships with other believing women, each deepening her walk with Jesus.
Office Manager
After running a daycare out of her home for twelve years, Darline entered the workforce in 1996 as a part-time receptionist with a trucking company. After nearly eight years there, she left as Office Manager and was hired by Grace Church under that same title in March 2004. She had been serving as a volunteer in the Youth Ministry as a high school leader. Darline and her husband, Norb, have been married since 1983 and have two grown, married children. In her free time, she treasures being with her grandchildren!
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Audio/Visual Technician
Doug and Janice met at Wheaton College and married in 1994. He studied Communications there, Audio Engineering at Full Sail Center for the Recording Arts, and earned his M.S. in Management Information Systems at DePaul University. The Gilmour family began attending Grace Church in 2011. He's been involved in our AV ministry, Awana, and currently serves in our Youth Ministry. He's an advocate of serving God with all our mind and is passionate about apologetics and evangelism. He's an advocate for Christian camps, particularly for boys, and enjoys outdoor activities in God's creation, especially where the terrain is less flat.
Children's Ministry Coordinator
Janice and her husband, Doug, met at Wheaton College and married in 1994. After six years of teaching Middle School English and earning her M.A. in Education, Janice entered the home work force to focus on raising their three sons. In April 2015, God led Janice to our Grace Church staff where she loves serving children and families and many volunteer staff. Now that their sons are grown, Doug and Janice enjoy going on road trips to visit their sons (and now two daughters-in-love!), hiking, kayaking, spending time with friends, and relishing the blessings of this new stage of life.
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Sports Ministry Coordinator
Grace Church is and has been a huge part of Jeff's life. He has attended the church since 1992. He grew up on Galusha Road. He watched his parents serve for years. He met Ellyn Jacobsen here, and they married in September 2014! His passion for athletics, performing arts, and people have always kept him active. He played football and studied marketing at Taylor University and has worked in insurance related sales since he graduated. In August 2015 Jeff was called to serve as our Sports Ministry Coordinator and his desire is to see gospel-centered relationships develop and lives changed.
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Buildings & Grounds Coordinator & Deacon
Ken came to Grace Church of DuPage (GCD) in 2022, transitioning from our daughter church, Kishwaukee Bible in Sycamore, IL, to accept the position of Building and Grounds Coordinator. Ken and his family lived in Rockford for over thirty years. They began commuting to KBC from Rockford in 1997 after hearing about the church plant from relatives at GCD. Ken and his son and daughter all moved separately in the past three years to DuPage County to join the GCD family. Ken did technical writing and software engineering for thirty-one years at a Rockford Aerospace corporation before retiring in 2019.
Principal Pianist
Music Ministry Coordinator: Vocal
Since college, Kirsten’s desire has been to use her musical gifts to care for and serve the local church, giving voice (or notes!) to the people’s song. She began attending Grace Church in 2010 while studying piano at Moody Bible Institute. She enrolled in our Mission Training Academy in 2012. Since then she has been called to play weekly for our services and rehearsals and lead worship for Women’s Ministry events. Kirsten works in a management role for a local IT firm, and in her spare hours enjoys reading, cooking, and fostering community among the young professional women at Grace.
Music Ministry Coordinator: Instrumental
Larry came to Grace Church in 1989. He picked up the trumpet in fifth grade and has used it since to engage people and express himself in the Christian and secular worlds. Larry holds a BA (Instrumental Music Education) from Illinois State University. Throughout his adult life he’s been involved in music in local churches. He’s spent all of his working career in consumer-packaged goods industries. In his spare time he enjoys his three kids and six grandkids and also riding his bicycle on local paths where he takes nature photos then sends weekly scripture-based encouragement emails using those photos.
Audio/Visual Manager & Graphic Designer
Matt is a follower of King Jesus, a coffee nerd, and a music lover. A Member of Grace Church since 2007, he joined our staff part-time in 2018 after a four-year assignment leading worship at our daughter church, Kishwaukee Bible, in Sycamore. Matt has helped coordinate our website content, event promotions, and communications, and now serves as our Graphic Designer. He also serves in our Youth Ministry and completed our two-year Worship Ministry Training. He is a graduate of North Central College (B.A., Broadcast Communications) and is employed full-time in Marketing. He and his wife Carley have three children.
Administrative Assistant
Website Manager
Michelle received Jesus as Savior in February, 2010, and began attending Grace Church in April of that year due to a discipleship relationship here. Michelle enjoys serving the body (especially behind the scenes!) with the Fellowship Committee, at Special Needs Ministry events, and as part of our Office staff, where she manages our website, event promotion, and other communications. She longs to see those who struggle with a difficult past come to know that God is sufficient for every need, and that His promises are always true. Michelle was married to her husband, Trace, at Grace Church in July, 2019.
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Deacon and Business Administrator
Mike has served as a Grace Church Deacon since 2003, and as Financial Secretary since 1998. Music has played an important role throughout his life, beginning with clarinet in fourth grade and plummeting to bass clarinet in high school and college. Starting with Church Choir eventually led to a men's quartet mission trip to Romania in 2000. This paved the way for Mike and his wife, Leah, to "adopt" two girls who still live in their homeland. Each one of their four kids, three children-in-law, and two grandkids, are, as Mike and Leah would say, “the apple of my eye!”