Slovenia Team Orientation
Getting ready to board our flight!
Dear Prayer GCD Partners,
The Slovenia Short Term Global Outreach team has landed in Slovenia! We left Wednesday afternoon and had as smooth a travel day as one could hope for. After landing in Zagreb, Croatia on Thursday afternoon we were picked up by our good friend and GCD intern to Slovenia Kaci Stecker along with two Slovene leaders, Denis and Manja. Our chaperones then drove us through the beautiful Croatian and Slovenian countrysides to Celje where we met up with another American team, this one from Nashville, Tennessee to begin preparing for camp.
Since arriving we've jumped into orientation for our camps. The Tennessee team is preparing to lead a Fusion camp for the youth in Celje at the Austrian castle while our GCD team is preparing to lead the Fusion camp for youth from Maribor at a local school. Our teams are working well together and looking forward to getting to camp and meeting the students on Sunday. Right now they are all hard at work preparing to lead their various workshops - here is proof - taken from where I'm writing this blog post!
Thank you for praying for us! Please pray that we will continue to stay healthy, have hearts that are prepared to live out and share the gospel, and quickly get over our jet lag. Thanks so much!
In Christ and for the building up of Christ's kingdom,
Nick Conner