From Summer Ministry to Autumn Harvest
With the cooling weather, the shortening days, and kids back in school, it is clear summer is hastening to an end. And while I am tempted to bemoan the eventual loss of warm sunny days, my inbox has been filling with updates from some of our Josiah Venture global partners. They are updates that recount stories of the clear work of God in the lives of young people in central and eastern Europe this summer. These stories represent a different kind of harvest time. One I can't wait to tell you a little about!
"These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever" Joshua 4:7b
Theresa Kerns reflected on the use of stones as a memorial from Joshua 4 in her latest update. After the Lord parted the Jordan River for the Israelites to cross, He commanded Joshua to have one man from each of the tribes of Israel select a stone from the riverbed. They piled them up at the location they camped by the river. The stones were intended as a reminder of the Lord's ability to do the impossible. In what ways has the Lord worked mightily on your behalf and in your life? Hearing some of the stories from JV camps this year, the Lord has worked in remarkable ways there also!
We had the opportunity to hear about our team’s trip to Slovenia last Sunday night. The picture above is of two JV teams sent to Celje (with Heidi!) and Maribor (our team with Kaci!). After the teams arrived in Slovenia, they spent a couple days in orientation. The final night they spent time praying for one another and the camps they would soon be serving at. Although short, this was a time of bonding, encouragement, and preparation for the work the Lord had for them.
Claire Patty served with a Czech Fusion camp this summer. The Lord answered prayers for them in many ways throughout the week of camp. From student surveys collected at the end of camp, most of the students reported that they had taken steps closer to God! Czech students often are very careful and thoughtful when considering the Gospel, but when they make a decision to follow Christ it sticks. Claire asks for prayers, especially for the students as the local church follows up with them post camp
Theresa Kerns wrote about Celje. The team had prayed for 10 students and been promoting the Fusion camp more than at any other time, yet only 3 students had signed up. They changed the location to lower the cost of camp and the number dropped to 1 student. They continued to trust that God would provide. 10 days before the start of camp more students began to register and they reached a total of 17 students only a couple days before the start. Of those that attended, 2 placed their faith in Jesus.
Karis talked about the follow up with students that's been happening the remainder of the summer since the Grace team left. Karis was able to meet with 2 girls, one interested in learning more about the Gospel, the other a student who prayed to receive Christ at the Maribor Fusion Camp this summer. The picture above is of many students that showed up for the end of year picnic at her pastor's home. Several of the kids Karis didn't even know because they were friends brought by the students who had attended camp this summer.
One of the students at the Celje camp was Tia. She was sitting outside talking with Heidi one night and told Heidi that she didn't think anything was holding her back form believing in Jesus. It was drizzling as she began praying, committing her life to the Lord. As she prayed the words, "Jesus, wash me clean" it started to pour down rain. Heidi remembers what a gift it was to literally feel the physical, tangible sensation of being washed as Tia received Jesus as her Savior.
Please be in Prayer
The JV Fall Conference is fast approaching. The theme will be Good News: Hope-filled Answers for the iGeneration. As you can imagine it will be a current and applicable topic for the JV workers. Please be in prayer for them during this time.
The summer craziness has ended, but Heidi would like prayer transitioning into the more structured fall ministry schedule. Please be in prayer for direction for her as her internship only has a couple months left. She also asks for prayers that the Lord would fill her with creativity and joy in the gifts he has given--that he would strengthen and enable her in the tasks before her.
Claire was a part of the planning and teaching team for the JV Kids Camp. They studied Ephesians 5:1-21 "Walking Worthy". Please be in prayer for these kids, that the word of God would root itself deep in their hearts and that they would walk worthy in their communities.
Also, as most of you are probably already aware, Karis Wadsack is engaged! Nate Jones proposed August 17th while Karis was visiting the states. We are so excited for them! They ask for prayers as they begin planning a wedding with an ocean between them.
These are just a few of the many things we can be in prayer for in the coming weeks. The Lord has surely been at work in the lives of His children this summer! May He receive all the glory!
For more information about our Josiah Venture partners, click here.
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