Great is Your Faithfulness

Parent’s Corner for 4/22

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; 

His mercies never come to an end; 

They are new every morning;

Great is your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22-23


As the words of this verse flowed through my mind this week, I was so encouraged!  In many ways, the months of April and May can rival December for demands on our time and attention.  Baseball games, soccer games, end of the school year activities, outdoor chores. . . I’m sure you could add many things to that list!  Every morning, God is faithful.  No matter what your day holds, God is faithful!  May the Lord allow you to feel his presence this week!  May you be encouraged and strengthened by his love for you, and for your kiddos! 


2/3s Sad Day, Happy Day!  The Story of Peter and Dorcas

Acts 9: 36-43

Can you tell me?

1.      What kind thing did Dorcas do?

2.     How did her friends feel when Dorcas died?

3.     Who made Dorcas well again?


4s-1st Grade and 2nd-5th Grade-  God Ordains the Passover

Exodus 12-13

Lesson Goal-  Students will see God’s power and sovereignty.

Students will be able to:

1.      Describe the elements of God’s judgment as seen in the last plague.

2.     Describe the responsibilities of the Israelites at Passover.

3.     State the event by which God showed His mercy.

4.     Explain that Jesus Christ was the Passover lamb for Christians.


Catechism- #31


Children’s Church- God Uses Gideon to Deliver Israel

Judges 6-8

Lesson Goal-  Students will humbly and gratefully obey God, who chooses to deliver His people.

Bible Truths-

1.      The Israelites were disobedient to God, so God allowed them to suffer under the Midianites.

2.     The Israelites were not sorry about their disobedience and did not deserve to be delivered.

3.     God used an undeserving man named Gideon to defeat the Midianites.

4.     God chose only 300 men to defeat Midian to demonstrate His power.