What is your treasure?


Parent’s Corner- January 26, 2020


“Jesus said to him, if you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”  Matthew 19:21


When my boys were little, they each had a “treasure box” which held their most prized possessions.  The contents were as unique as the owner.  One held baseball cards and stuffed leopards.  One held Legos and a VBS take home craft.  As time went by, the contents of these boxes changed to match their interests.  What were once treasures were now somewhat dispensable. 

In the lesson of the Rich Young Ruler, Jesus is making the young man aware of the fact that he has “treasures” that are taking the place of the love that he should have for Jesus.  Here, Jesus is redirecting the man’s question, and redirecting his focus.  May the “treasure boxes” of our children’s hearts and minds always hold the love for Jesus above all else!  May their love for Him deepen as time goes on, and may they seek to serve Him in all they do!


This Week in Sunday School. . .


2s and 3s- The Samaritan Woman

Scripture- John 4:3-30, 39-42

 Lesson Truth- Jesus loves all kinds of people.

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson

1.     Give evidence of understanding the contrast between the way some people are treated and the woman and the way Jesus treated her.

2.     Demonstrate how Jesus made the Samaritan woman feel

3.     Indicate how they feel because Jesus loves them


4s-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-5th- Jesus Confronts the Rich Young Ruler

Scripture- Matthew 19:16-26

Principle- Believers are called to count the cost of eternal life and follow Christ.

Ask Your Child- Why did the rich, young ruler go away sad?

Apply- By asking Christ to reveal anything in his/her heart that he/she is unwilling to give up for Him.

This Week- As a family, read Matthew 19:16-26.

Next Week- Matthew 19:27-20:16


Children’s Church- Jacob Wrestles with God

Scripture- Genesis 32

Lesson Goal- Students will learn that God hears the prayers of those who believe in Him.

Bible Truths-

1.     Jacob was afraid to meet his brother Esau.

2.     Jacob prayed to God for help.

3.     Jacob wrestled with God, seeing his need for God’s blessing.

4.     God changed Jacob’s name to Israel.

Key Verse- “And he said, ‘Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men and have prevailed.’” Genesis 32.28


1.     Do not fear man, but trust God.

2.     Confess your need for God.

3.     Rely on God’s promises in prayer.

Next Week- God Preserves Joseph.  Read Genesis 37.