Summertime Sharing!


Parent’s Corner- May 31, 2020


“Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples!”

Psalm 96:3 ESV


In both lessons today, we see examples of how sharing the Good News of Jesus made a huge difference in the lives of the listeners!  Travelers on the boat with Paul were calmed in their present circumstances and encouraged to trust in the love of Jesus as their security, even in the midst of frightening times.  Philip demonstrated how the impact of sharing the Gospel can change someone’s life, and then showed the Ethiopian how he, in turn, could share the Gospel himself!  By knowing Scripture and sharing it with others, we can bless them and Glorify God at the same time!


We may not be having VBS this year due to present circumstances, but that should not stop us from wanting to share the Gospel with others, especially children!  It will look different than it has in the past, but it could still be very effective!  Each one, reach one. Do you have neighbor children next door?   Arrange some games or socially distanced activities, invite them to join your family in some fun, then share your love for Jesus over a popsicle or lemonade.  Read a story to kids on beach towels and share an activity or craft from the Sunday school lesson materials.  Do you have friends or family out of town?  Consider sharing stories and activity time over Zoom. 

You don’t have to share everything all at once!  Sharing bite sized portions is completely appropriate. . . and it might keep them coming back for more!  I’ll be praying for you as you share the Good News with your friends and neighbors.  I’d love to hear of your experiences!


This Week in Sunday School. . .


2s and 3s- Paul’s Rescue at Sea

Scripture- Acts 27

Lesson Truth- Jesus takes care of us, even in frightening times.

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson:

1.     Tell who took care of Paul on the boat.

2.     Describe stormy weather they have experienced.

3.     Express confidence that Jesus takes care of them in all kinds of frightening situations.

4.     Praise Jesus for his power and care.

Additional activities-

1.     Act out todays story!  Create a boat from a large cardboard or plastic box and pretend to be in a storm at sea.  Use a boat in a bathtub or small pool to illustrate the scene.  Take turns making the waves!

2.     Have a snack in the boat.  The people in the story were too frightened to even eat!  They felt much safer when they knew Jesus would take care of them.

3.     Sing a song!  “He’s got the whole world in His hands”, being sure to include each family member in a verse. . . or search your family playlist for known alternatives with the same message. 


4s-5th Grade- Philip Shares the Gospel with the Ethiopian

Scripture- Acts 8:26-40

Principle- God graciously allows people to hear His Word.

Ask Your Child- What did Philip tell the Ethiopian eunuch?

Apply- By knowing Scripture so that he can share the Gospel.

This Week- As a Family, read Acts 8:26-40.

Next Week- Acts 9:1-31.