We believe that sincere worship is a vital part of our gathering on Sundays. Our worship of God is enhanced by a diverse range of music and programs that involve many of our members and attendees.  Our desire is for the music in our services to be Christ-exalting and theologically rich. We want to sing songs that are filled with truth and joy.

Philosophy of Music & Worship

We believe the ten basic principles outlined in our Position Paper on Corporate Worship at Grace Church of DuPage are in accord with God’s revelation to us in Scripture. We want these principles to guide the pursuit and expression of our corporate worship at Grace Church of DuPage, and, flowing from our corporate worship, the pursuit and expression of our worship as individuals. May the expressions of our worship be true both to what God has done and to who God is. May our worship be a pleasing aroma to Him. And may we know the goodness and joy of living out the chief end for which we exist, namely, the praise and adoration of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Grace Original Music

Music and song have always been employed to facilitate worship of God from the hearts and lips of His people, both individually and collectively. And it is a special blessing when the work of His Spirit in particular communities wells up and flows forth as original music unique to their setting. Such blessing at Grace Church is displayed and made available here to facilitate your personal and family worship—praise and petition, thanksgiving and confession, rejoicing and lament—to the praise of God's glory.


Use your Musical Talent

Join the Choir & Orchestra

These ministries are a vital part of our morning worship at Grace Church of DuPage. On various Sunday mornings throughout the year, these groups aid our worship in both congregational singing and special songs. 

Special Events and Concerts throughout the year

Each year our music ministries prepare a Christmas concert that serves as both an extension of our church body’s worship as well as an outreach to the community. We also prepare various other concerts from time to time.  Contact Kirsten Pearson  if you are interested in participating in these special concerts.


Grace Church Spotify Playlist

For those who use Spotify for music streaming, the Grace Church Spotify account has a curated playlist available called 'Songs of Grace' which is made up of songs that we regularly include in our corporate worship each Sunday morning. You can search for "Grace Church of DuPage" on Spotify to find this and other Grace Church playlists, and a link to the playlist will also be included in our Grace Weekly email each week.