Acts 21:1–16
I. Paul and His Team Travel Across the Mediterranean Sea – 1-6
II. Paul and His Team Travel Down the Mediterranean Coast – 7-14
III. Paul and His Team Travel Up to Jerusalem – 15-16
Acts 20:17–38
I. Paul’s Example
II. Paul’s Direction
III. The Bonds of Love
Acts 20:1–16
I. Greece/Encouragement and Disciples (1-6)
II. Eutychus/Power and Purpose (7-12)
III. Toward Jerusalem/Honoring the Foundations (13-16)
Acts 19:8–41
I. The Remarkable Story of the Gospel Coming to Ephesus
II. The Remarkable Impact This Should Have on Us Today
Acts 18:18–19:7
I. Scene 1: Paul Finishes His Second Journey – 18:18-22
II. Scene 2: Interlude: Priscilla & Aquila and Apollos – 18:24-28
III. Scene 3: Paul Begins His Third Journey – 18:23; 19:1-7
Acts 18:1–17
I. An Old Precedent Experienced in the Corinthian Synagogue – 1-8
II. A New Precedent Established in the Roman Court – 9-17
III. Three Practical Implications for Us Today
Acts 17:16–34
I. Noticing the Need – 16-21
II. Telling the Truth – 22-31
III. Receiving the Results – 32-34
Acts 17:1–15
I. A Fresh Start – 1-4
II. A Familiar Scuffle – 5-9
III. A Fresh Start – 10-12
IV. A Familiar Scuffle – 13-15
Acts 16:25–40
Scene 1: Shaken foundations
Scene 2: A bright light in a very dark place
Scene 3: A nest of improbabilities
Scene 4: Roman soldier and Roman law in service of the most high God
Scene 5: Though the dogs bark, the caravan moves on.
Acts 16:11–24
A Most Extraordinary Woman
A Young Woman Doubly Cursed
Is the Gospel Enough?
Acts 16:6–15
I. Waiting to Hear from the Lord – 6-10
II. The Fruit of Listening to the Lord – 11-15
Acts 15:36–16:5
I. The Disagreement and the Departures – 15:36-41
II. The Disciple and the Delivery – 16:1-5
III. The Deductions and the Direction
Acts 15:1–35
I. The Need for Clarification – 1-5
II. The Process of Clarification – 6-21
III. The Report on Clarification – 22-29
IV. The Result of Clarification – 30-35
Acts 14:1–28
I. God Is Present with His Messengers, Affirming Their Message
II. God’s Messengers Face Persistent Opposition in Their Work
III. True Messengers Sense No Incongruity in This Scenario
Acts 13:13–52
I. The Gospel Heads North
II. Nothing New, Just Promises Fulfilled
III. A Crucial Turn
Acts 13:4–12
I. The Spirit Directs the Missionaries' Steps – 4-5
II. The Spirit Empowers the Missionaries' Works – 6-11
III. The Spirit Accomplishes the Missionaries' Results – 12
Acts 12:25–13:3
I. When a Local Church (v. 1)
II. Has a Holy Hunger (v. 2a)
III. They Hear God’s Call (v. 2b)
IV. To Commission their Best (v. 3)
V. And God’s Gospel Goes to the Ends of the Earth
Acts 12:1–24
I. Enemy
II. Rescue
III. Judgement
Acts 19–30
I. Church History
II. Church Planting
Acts 11:1–18
I. The Sweep and Structure of this Passage
II. The Content and Contribution of this Story
III. The Message and Meaning of this Encounter