Filtering by: Grace Church

Annual Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Annual Meeting

The Grace Church Annual Meeting will be Sunday, October 6th, at 6pm in the Sanctuary as a special edition of Scripture & Song. Please gather with us in this time of reflection on God’s goodness in our body and for ministry updates.

Children of all ages are invited to attend. There will be no childcare.

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Annual Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Annual Meeting

The Grace Church Annual Meeting will be held, Sunday, October 1st, at 6pm in the Sanctuary. Please gather with us in this time of reflection on God’s goodness in our body and for ministry updates.

Children of all ages are invited to attend. There will be no childcare.

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Christmas Brunch
9:00 AM09:00

Christmas Brunch

Join us for a Christmas Brunch potluck on Sunday morning, December 19th, at 9am before the main worship service. We’ll gather in the gym at for this time of fellowship over a meal together.
The Fellowship Committee will provide drinks (including mocha punch!) and ask that you bring a breakfast main dish to share. Invite your friends and family!

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11:00 AM11:00


We are grateful to God for the blessing that Pastor Ray Glinski has been to our church over the past two decades. We would love for you to join us as we remember, celebrate and thank God for Pastor Ray’s faithful service to us, as a member of both our Pastoral Staff and Elder Board. Our celebration will begin immediately following the morning service on Sunday, September 27th, in the field behind the gymnasium. It will be a Southwestern theme (wear your cowboy boots, hat, bandana, etc.!)

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