Filtering by: Women's Ministry

Winter Ladies Bible Study
to Mar 25

Winter Ladies Bible Study

Study the Book of Mark with other sisters in Christ to draw closer to our Suffering Savior and King. This study by Dane Ortlund will be a worthy way to prepare for Lent as well as being a companion to our current sermon series in the Gospel of John.

Mornings 9:30-11:00am (with childcare) at the church
Evenings 7:00-8:30pm (no childcare) in a local home

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Fall Ladies Bible Study
to Nov 19

Fall Ladies Bible Study

  • Grace Church of DuPage (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are called to joyfully endure. Ladies, you're invited to a ten-week study through the Book of Philippians: Living for Christ, by Lydia Brownback.
Tuesdays mornings 9:30–11am at the church (with childcare)
Tuesdays evenings 7-8:30pm at the Molengraft home (no childcare)
We hope to see you there! 
Register Here!

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Ladies Summer Book Club
to Jul 30

Ladies Summer Book Club

Join us Tuesdays evenings this summer for a small-group discussion with other sisters in Christ about biblical themes of death and resurrection in our lives as exemplified by Jesus, as we read J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life, by Paul E. Miller. Contact the church office for location information.

Cost of the book is $12.50. Register here →
If you already have the book, you will put in the discount code of NBN and that will register you for the study at no cost. Otherwise your copy will arrive shortly to the church.

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Winter Ladies Bible Study
to Mar 19

Winter Ladies Bible Study

Dig into the Book of Esther with other sisters in Christ Tuesdays beginning January 16th! We’ll be tracing the "the hidden hand of God" in this slower-paced, beautiful, Crossway Bible Study by Lydia Brownback. The cost for the book is $8.

Mornings 9:30-11:00am (with childcare) at the church
Evenings 7:00-8:30pm (no childcare) in a local home

Register here →

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Fall Ladies Bible Study
to Dec 5

Fall Ladies Bible Study

  • Grace Church of DuPage (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fall Ladies Bible Study - Sept 19th through Dec 5th
We are very excited to study the post-exilic prophets through a Bible study written by local author Kathleen Nielson, who helps us see God's plan of redemption in history. We will work through ten weeks of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi; Pointing to the Promised King (a helpful preparation for the Advent season).
We hope to see you there! 

Mornings 9:30-11:00am (with childcare) at the church
Evenings 7:00-8:30pm (no childcare) in a local home

RSVP here →

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Fundamentals of the Faith Study for Women
to Nov 9

Fundamentals of the Faith Study for Women

  • Grace Church of DuPage (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

New to the Christian faith or looking for deeper understanding in all we believe? Consider joining other Grace women as we walk through the workbook, Fundamentals of Faith, by John MacArthur. Please join Judy Shoup in looking at topics such as salvation, the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit, prayer, worship, obedience and spiritual gifts. 
Book cost is $7. Register here →

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2023 Ladies Summer Book Club
to Jul 18

2023 Ladies Summer Book Club

  • Grace Church of DuPage (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Seed of the Woman by Nana Dolce - 30 narratives that point to Jesus

This is a beautifully written book about the lives of women in scripture and how each one points us to Jesus. Mark your calendar to read through and discuss this book  and its application for our lives and how our circumstances are also meant to point us to our Savior King. We will meet at the church on Tuesday nights, June 6th to July 18th (skipping July 4th) from 7-8:30pm in CE13. Book cost is $11.

Register here →

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2023 Ladies Summer Bible Study
to Jul 18

2023 Ladies Summer Bible Study

  • Grace Church of DuPage (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you younger in the faith or desiring to brush up on foundational truths from Scripture? Then this study is for you! Please join Judy Shoup through 6 chapters of a workbook study, Fundamentals of the Faith by John MacArthur. This group will meet in the Youth Room (CE wing of the church).  Some of the lessons covered will include How to Know the Bible, The Attributes of God, The Person and Work of Jesus Christ, and Salvation.

Book cost is $7. Register here →

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Women’s Prayer
to Sep 3

Women’s Prayer

  • Grace Church of DuPage (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ladies, join us in a warm up for worship as we seek the Lord to prepare the hearts of our body to respond to Him in corporate worship. We meet in the Fireside Room each Sunday morning from 8:45–9:15am during the summer, May 28th through September 3rd. Come for any or all of the prayer time. All are welcome.

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Ladies Bible Study
to Nov 1

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies, join us on Tuesdays, September 13th to November 1st.
Come, discuss, ask questions, share thoughts, and learn more about how God desires to bless His people through the study of His Word by learning about the sermon series on Revelation with other sisters in Christ!

Mornings 9:30-11:00am (with childcare) at the church
Evenings 7:00-8:30pm (no childcare) in a local home

RSVP here →

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Women’s Prayer
to Sep 4

Women’s Prayer

  • Grace Church of DuPage (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ladies, join us in a warm up for worship as we seek the Lord to prepare the hearts of our body to respond to Him in corporate worship. We meet in the Fireside Room each Sunday morning from 8:45–9:15am during the summer, May 29th through September 4th. Come for any or all of the prayer time. All are welcome.

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Valentine Luncheon
11:30 AM11:30

Valentine Luncheon

This special luncheon for the widows and elderly single women in our body is our way of saying how much we love you and are thankful for you. We will be meeting in the Fireside room on February 10th at 11:30am for a time of fellowship followed by a presentation of special gifts from some of the children in our body.

To RSVP, contact the church office here, or call 630-393-7344.

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Ladies Bible Study
to Mar 1

Ladies Bible Study

  • Grace Church of DuPage (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ladies, please join in our study in the Book of Jeremiah on Tuesday mornings and evenings from January 11th to March 1st. The cost of the study is $10. If you have the booklet from the Fall, there is no need to purchase a new one!

Mornings 9:15-11:15am (with childcare)
Evenings 7:00-9:00pm (no childcare)

RSVP here →

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