An Update from the Kashtans

One thing you can count on with Eitan and Orit, they always seem to be juggling multiple projects at a time. It is incredible listening as they recount the latest project at HaChotam Publishing House, the most recent conference they are planning, the next youth group camping trip--each deadline approaching one right after the other.

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God’s Faithfulness through the Ups and Downs of Life

“Life is a storm my young friend, you will bask in the sunlight one moment be shattered on the rocks the next.” These are words spoken by Edmund Dantes in the movie rendition of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. I think we can all resonate with Edmund’s words. Life is filled with turbulence of experiences and emotions which threaten to rob us of peace and joy.

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Interns in Slovenia!

There are many voices and pulls competing to claim the identity and capture the love of these young people. In just 10 years, the percentage of Slovenes who professed to be Catholic dropped from 90% to 46%. This incredible fluctuation only points to the volatility of the overall conviction in the hearts of the people.  This is where the Lord of the harvest steps in to make His move (Matthew 9:38)!

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SloveniaGuest User
Slovenia Team 2018

Our team includes four people who have been to Slovenia before and seven who have not. It is made up of five guys and six gals. We have seven high schoolers going this year, two college age students, and two post college . . . ummm . . . people - it is debatable as to whether they are adults yet.

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Pray for the Bigelows

This past June we had the exciting opportunity to hear from Matt and Susan Bigelow. Matt and Susan were a part of our Global Outreach focus month and brought a mission report on their time in South Africa from 2016-2017. At that time, they had hoped to return to Cape Town, South Africa in June 2018 to take part in local church planting in Cape Town. However, due to unanticipated health issues that have arisen for their family, they will be needing to postpone further planning to return to South Africa.

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Prayers for Tyler and Lara Patty

We rejoice with Tyler and Lara who have reached 100% of their monthly support! In less than a month, the Lord provided the last 10%, answering their prayers that He would send them to the Czech Republic in January 2018. Their family flew out on January 17th.

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The "GO" Team
Now Accepting Slovenia 2018 Applications

Short-term missions have four subordinate aims in light of gathering Christ-worshippers. Short-termers go 1) to support, encourage, and edify Grace Church missionaries, 2) to prepare the ground for the potential establishment of a career missionary team, or church partnership, 3) in response to a discernible leading in their lives in pursuing a potential career ministry in missions, and 4) to become vibrant, passionate world-Christians who feel the urgency of the spread of the gospel.

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Christmas for our Global Outreach Partners

Each year, our church family likes to bless our Global Outreach partners with personalized christmas cards and a monetary gift.  There’s still a week left to sign the cards that are out in the church lobby.  You can also donate to their Christmas gift on CCB, by dropping payment in the offering boxes, or by leaving in the church office.

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