“Lessons are often learned better being caught than being taught.”
Parent’s Corner- Lessons from Sunday, June 10, 2018
“It is the living who give thanks to You, as I do today; a father tells his sons about your faithfulness.” Isaiah 38:19
This morning, I was listening to a podcast centered around Christian parenting. I was struck by a concept that I had heard before but had particular meaning for me today:
“Lessons are often learned better being caught than being taught.”
The speaker went on to suggest that, as parents, having our children see us read our Bible can have more of an impact than simply encouraging them to do. Having our children hear us quote Scripture as part of our regular communication with them can stress the importance of having Biblical knowledge imbedded in our mind. Bottom line, what are your children catching you doing?
Yup. Gulp. That was one that made me stop and think. What do my children see me doing? Where do they see me spending my time? Where do they see me turn for guidance and encouragement? With Summer ahead, I’m looking forward to setting some new goals and patterns. What are your habits that you want to have your children and emulate? Parenting is a high calling. . . praying for you on your journey!
This week in Sunday school. . .
2/3s- Have a Great Day! The Story of Jesus and Zacchaeus
Scripture- Luke 19: 1-10
Lesson Truth- Jesus loves us- always.
Aims for the Children- To do at least one of the following during this lesson:
1. Affirm that Jesus loves them
2. Sing a song about Zacchaeus
3. Make a story picture
4. Answer these questions
a. Does Jesus want us to do naughty things?
b. Does Jesus want us to feel sorry when we do naughty things?
c. Does Jesus love us even when we do bad things?
5. Thank Jesus for loving them
4s-K- God’s Presence Fills the Tabernacle
Scripture- Exodus 33-34, 40
Lesson Goal- Students will pray for God’s mercy and thank Him for His faithfulness.
Bible Truths-
1. God showed Moses that he was merciful yet just.
2. God did not kill all the people who rebelled against Him.
3. God came to stay in the tabernacle in the form of a bright cloud.
4. All Israel worshiped God for sending His presence.
Key Verse- “And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and fourth generation’” Exodus 34:6-7
Catechism Question #39
1st-2nd Grade, 3rd-5th Grade- God Presence Fills the Tabernacle
Scripture- Exodus 33-34, 40
Lesson Goal- Students will pray for God’s mercy and thank Him for His Faithfulness
Lesson Objectives- Students will be able to
1. Explain how God showed His mercy and faithfulness to Israel.
2. Describe how a holy God dwelt with His people.
Key Verse- “And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and fourth generation’” Exodus 34:6-7
Catechism Question #39