John 10:1–21
I. I Am the Shepherd
II. I Am the Door
III. I Lay Down My Life
John 6:60–71
I. How Should We Understand What Jesus Is Teaching?
II. What Should We Learn from Jesus in This Teaching?
John 6:35–59
I. What is Jesus teaching here?
II. Why does Jesus use this metaphor?
III. What did Jesus want this crowd to learn about Himself?
IV. Why was it so hard for this crowd to understand Jesus?
V. Why is this passage so hard for us to understand?
John 6:22–34
I. The Crowd Searches for Jesus After They Ate – 22-26
II. Jesus Engages the Crowd about Food and Life – 27-34
Ephesians 2:1–22
I. See God’s Nature Revealed in His Salvation and Receive It – 1-10
II. Recognize the Grand Scope of God’s Salvation and Live It – 11-22
Ephesians 1:1–14
I. Good News that Reveals the Glory of God – 3-6
II. Three Reasons This Good News Matters to Us – 7-12
A. Redemption from Past Estrangement – 7-8
B. Richness in Present Relationship – 9-10
C. Reward of Future Inheritance – 11-12
III. How We Can Know This Good News Is True – 13-14
Ezekiel 40:1–48:35
I. Restoring God's Presence Among His People – 40:1-46:24
II. Restoring God's Presence in the Land – 47:1-48:35
Ezekiel 20:1–23:49
I. Israel's Sin and the Lord's Response – 20:1-21:32
II. The Lord's Indictment of Jerusalem – 22:1-31
III. Israel's Sin Illustrated One Last Time – 23:1-49
Revelation 19:6-9
I. Glimpses of the Bride that Have Been True in the Past
II. Glimpses of the Bride that Are True in the Present
III. Glimpses of the Bride that Will Be True in the Future
Romans 16:25-27
I. What Is Paul’s Central Purpose in This Closing Passage?
II. Why Is This Paul’s Central Purpose as His Letter Ends?
III. How Are We Best Able to Fulfill this Central Purpose?
Romans 11:11–24
I. One Last Rhetorical Q&A – 11-12
II. The Flip-Side of Israel's Unbelief – 13-16
III. Lessons from the Olive Tree – 17-24
Romans 10:5-13
I. Contrasting Two Ways to Pursue God’s Righteousness – 5-8
II. Explaining the Only Way to Attain God’s Righteousness – 9-10
III. Affirming that God’s Righteousness Is Available to All – 11-13
Romans 8:31–39
I. If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? – 31-34
II. Who Shall Separate Us from the Love of Christ? – 35-39
Romans 3:1–20
I. Much Advantage in Being a Jew – 1-8
II. No Advantage in Being a Jew – 9-20
Romans 2:1–16
I. The Structure and Substance of Paul's Argument
II. The Instruction and Implications of Paul's Assertion
Romans 1:8–17
I. Paul Gives Thanks for the Roman Church – 8-10
II. Paul Desires to Visit the Roman Church – 11-13
III. Paul Affirms the Gospel to the Roman Church – 14-17
Romans 5:18
Read MoreRevelation 21:1–22:21
I. Overwhelmed – 21:1-8
II. Enabled – 21:9-21
III. Enthralled – 21:22-27
IV. Astounded – 22:1-5
V. Impassioned – 22:6-21
Revelation 14:1–20
I. The Offering of Worship – 1-5
II. The Omen of Warning – 6-13
III. The Outpouring of Wrath – 14-20
Revelation 10:1–11
I. The Angel – 1
II. The Scroll – 2-7
III. The Command – 8-11