John 10:22–42
I. Jesus Answers a Direct Question from the Jews – 22-31
II. Jesus Poses Direct Questions to the Jews – 32-39
III. What Happens Next, Then and Now – 40-42
Revelation 13:1–18
I. The Beast out of the Sea – 1-10
II. The Beast out of the Earth – 11-15
III. The Mark and the Number – 16-18
Psalm 91:1–16
I. Dwelling in safety
II. Satan's sermon
III. True safety
IV. "You have a permanent address; make sure you are living there."
Proverbs 3:21-35
I. How do wisdom and discretion grant and beautify life?
II. How does lacking wisdom and discretion make life ugly?
III. What is the ultimate outcome of this beauty and ugliness?
2 Timothy - The Promise of Life in the Face of Death (2 Timothy 2:14-19)
- Press On to Proclaim the Word of Truth
- Avoid Distortions that Lead People Astray
- Rest in the Lord, His Firm Foundation Stands