Revelation 7:9-17
I. A Preview of our Activity in Heaven – Rev.7:9-17
II. A Prescription for our Activity on Earth
Isaiah 6:1-8
1. What does Isaiah see in the heavenly Temple and why God shows it to him?
2. What was the reaction of the Seraphim when they saw the holiness of God?
3. What is God's reaction to true worship?
4. How can we have a look into the temple of God?
5. What is Isaiah's response to the vision?
6. What should be our reaction when we are exposed to the holiness and presence of the Lord?
Isaiah 6:1-8
1. What does Isaiah see in the heavenly Temple and why God shows it to him?
2. What was the reaction of the Seraphim when they saw the holiness of God?
3. What is God's reaction to true worship?
4. How can we have a look into the temple of God?
5. What is Isaiah's response to the vision?
6. What should be our reaction when we are exposed to the holiness and presence of the Lord?
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
I. A Summary Lesson on Sowing and Reaping – 6-10
II. An Insightful Linking of Thanks and Giving – 11-15
Psalms 100
I. Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord. – 1
II. Serve the Lord with Gladness and Singing. – 2
III. Know that the Lord is God. – 3
IV. Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving and Praise. – 4-5