Acts 2:42–47
I. What Qualities Identify the Presence of the Spirit?
II. What Should Be Our Take-Away This Morning?
Acts 2:14–41
I. Peter's Proclamation regarding God's Spirit – 14-21
II. Peter's Proclamation regarding God's Son – 22-36
III. Peter's Proclamation regarding God's Salvation – 37-41
Acts 2:1–13
I. Receiving the Giving of the Holy Spirit – 1-4
II. Responding to the Giving of the Holy Spirit – 5-13
Acts 1:6–26
I. The Father and Son Ensure the Giving of the Spirit – 6-11
II. The Disciples Prepare to Receive the Spirit – 12-26
Acts 1:1–5
I. Some Introductory Help for Studying Acts
II. Luke's Arresting Introduction to the Story of Acts
3 John 1-15
I. John Expresses His Affirmation to Gaius – 1-8
II. John Expresses His Concern to Gaius – 9-15
III. Three Lessons to Learn from This Letter
2 John 1–13
I. John's Richly Deep Greeting to His Readers – 1-3
II. John's Main Body of Instruction to This Church – 4-11
III. John's Closing Assurance of More to Come – 12-13
Romans 8:12–17
I. What Do We Learn about the Church Here?
II. What Should Be Our Takeaway Today?
2 Thessalonians 3:1–18
I. A Call to Prayer – 1-5
II. A Call to Work – 6-15
III. A Call to Peace – 16-18
2 Thessalonians 2:1–17
I. Reflections on Discussing the End Times
II. Reflections on the Contribution of Today's Text
2 Thessalonians 1:1–12
I. Paul's Thanksgiving for These Resilient Thessalonians
II. Why This Generates Thanksgiving in Us As Well
Ephesians 6:18
I. Prayer subverts
II. Prayer engages
III. Prayer bleeds