Romans 14:5–9
I. Is this essential for salvation?
II. What do you think?
III. What is your motivation?
IV. Who do you belong to?
Romans 14:1–4
Read MoreRomans 13:8–14
I. Living Out the Heart of the Law – 8-10
II. Living in the Light of Christ's Return – 11-14
Romans 13:1-7
I. Understanding Transformed Living in This World – 1-6
II. Modeling Transformed Living in This World – 7
Romans 12:9–21
I. Loving Well Inside the Body – 9-16
II. Loving Well Outside the Body – 17-21
Romans 12:3–8
I. The First Characteristic of a Transformed Life – 3
II. The Primary Rationale for This First Characteristic – 4-5
III. The Truest Expression of This Characteristic and Rationale – 6-8
Romans 12:1–2
I. Present Your Bodies as a Living Sacrifice – 1
II. Be Transformed by the Renewal of Your Mind – 2
Romans 11:25–36
I. A Fuller Explanation of Israel's Situation – 25-29
II. A Relevant Example for the Nations to Understand – 30-32
III. A Worshipful Expression that All Creation Should Offer – 33-36
Romans 11:11–24
I. One Last Rhetorical Q&A – 11-12
II. The Flip-Side of Israel's Unbelief – 13-16
III. Lessons from the Olive Tree – 17-24
Romans 11:1-10
I. Another Rhetorical Q&A – 1-2a
II. A Rich Historical Example – 2b-6
III. A Startling Theological Insight – 7-10
Galatians 3:1–22
I. By Works or By Hearing? (1-6)
II. By the Law or by Promise? (7-18)
III. Why Then the Law? (19-22)
IV. Am I Being Perfected by the Flesh?
Romans 9:1–33
I. An Invitation to Eavesdrop
II. A Strained Hypothetical
III. Lay Down Your Arms
IV. Children of Promise!
V. Be Not Put to Shame
Romans 9:1-18
Read MoreRomans 10:14-21
I. Paul Spotlights God's Faithful Delivery of the Gospel – 14-15
II. Paul Identifies Our Problem Receiving the Gospel – 16-17
III. Paul Confirms Our Responsibility or This Problem – 18-21
Exodus 20:1-17
Read MoreRomans 10:5-13
I. Contrasting Two Ways to Pursue God’s Righteousness – 5-8
II. Explaining the Only Way to Attain God’s Righteousness – 9-10
III. Affirming that God’s Righteousness Is Available to All – 11-13
Romans 9:30-10:4
I. A Contrast in Receptivity to the Gospel – 9:30-33
II. The Difference-Maker in that Contrast – 10:1-4
Romans 9:14-29
I. Is There Injustice on God's Part? – 14-18
II. Why Does God Still Find Fault? – 19-21
III. What If God's Power and Purpose in Salvation Are Far Grander than We Realize? – 22-29
Romans 9:1-13
I. Paul Gets Us Ready to Hear His Point – 1-5
II. Paul States and Explains His Point – 6-8
III. Paul Begins to Defend His Point – 9-13
Romans 8:31–39
I. If God Is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? – 31-34
II. Who Shall Separate Us from the Love of Christ? – 35-39