2025 ABF Winter-Spring Schedule
Adult Bible Fellowships (ABFs) are adult Sunday school classes geared for adults of all ages and walks of life to systematically study God’s Word by means of lecture and discussion.
Join us at 9AM on Sunday mornings starting back up on January 5th.
CE-13: Petros/A study of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Malachi: Heart Revival: The Remnant’s Failed Pursuit of Righteousness and the Hope for True Renewal
CE-12: Themelios/We will be focusing on the faith once delivered, as it is expressed through the Heidelberg Catechism.
CE-10/11: Kerdos/2 Samuel: Establishing the throne of David to point us to the need of a truly good King.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact the church office by email or call 630-393-7344.