Stock the Pantry!
Help stock the Warrenville Food Pantry on Sunday, March 23rd, with Peanut Butter, Rice (2lb bag or smaller) Black Beans and Canned Whole Kernel Corn (no creamed corn). Collection tables will be in the Main lobby and CE lobby.
Help stock the Warrenville Food Pantry on Sunday, March 23rd, with Peanut Butter, Rice (2lb bag or smaller) Black Beans and Canned Whole Kernel Corn (no creamed corn). Collection tables will be in the Main lobby and CE lobby.
Help stock the Warrenville Food Pantry!
Bring a box of cereal Sunday morning, November 3rd, to the donation table in the Lobby or CE entrance. Eight hundred households visit the Food Pantry monthly.
Help get odd jobs around the church completed to prepare for the coming winter months. Watch your email for a list of needs.
Or you can also contact Ken Pearson or contact the church office.
Grace Kids invites you to participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, blessing children around the world with tangible gifts, as well as the greatest gift of all. . . knowing Jesus!
There are many ways you can participate in Operation Christmas Child!
Join us Saturday, June 1st, 9am to 1pm or as time allows, and help get odd jobs around the church done and prepare for the summer months.
To volunteer, you can also contact the church office.
Help get odd jobs around the church completed to prepare for the coming winter months. Join us Saturday, November 4th, 9am to 2pm, or as time allows.
To volunteer, you can also contact Ken Pearson or contact the church office.
Grace Kids invites you to participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, blessing children around the world with tangible gifts, as well as the greatest gift of all. . . knowing Jesus!
Join us Saturday, June 3rd, 8:30am to 1:30pm or as time allows, and help get odd jobs around the church done and prepare for the summer months.
To volunteer, you can also contact Ken Pearson or contact the church office.
2023 Basketball League at Grace Church of DuPage begins on Tuesday, January 10th!
Register now!
Our Fall Workday is coming up! Join us Saturday, Nov 5th, between 11am–4pm as your schedule allows.
Help get odd jobs around the church done and prepare for the coming winter months. Watch for details and project list to come.
To volunteer, contact Ken Pearson or contact the church office.
Grace Kids invites you to participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, blessing children around the world with tangible gifts, as well as the greatest gift of all. . . knowing Jesus!
It's been 3 years since the last spring workday! Let's get the buildings and grounds ready. Old or young, experienced or not, there is something just for you. There will be jobs both inside and outside.
To see the project list and volunteer, contact Michael Bentz or contact the church office.
Join us Saturday, May 28th, between 8:30AM - 1:30PM as your schedule allows.
2022 Basketball League at Grace Church of DuPage begins on Tuesday, January 11th!
Register now!
Let's celebrate the coming of King Jesus through song!
You are cordially invited to sing Christmas carols with our FLOCKS groups this season! While we carol around, we will also pass out invitations and a holiday treat to neighbors, inviting them to our Christmas services!
Contact the church office for the variety of times, locations, and settings to partake in caroling around your neighborhood.
Grace Kids invites you to participate in Operation Christmas Child, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, blessing children around the world with tangible gifts, as well as the greatest gift of all. . . knowing Jesus!
In response to the need for heightened health precautions due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), our Family Dinner on March 15th is cancelled and our Newcomers Lunch that same afternoon has been postponed. Please be aware that there may be additional adjustments to our ministries or schedule as updated information becomes available on this developing pandemic.
You're invited to our Special Needs Music Day! This event will be featuring a local musician, John Herpolshiemer, playing his original compositions based in Scripture - and our very own Wayne Tollefsen leading some sing-alongs. This is a free event!
RSVP appreciated, but not required. Email Ray Glinski, or contact the church office at 630-393-7344.
This is not a drop-off event. Participants with special needs must be accompanied.
2020 Basketball League at Grace Church of DuPage begins on Tuesday, January 14th!
Register now!
Join in on Sunday evening, December 1st, at 6pm, as we gather in groups to go out into the Warrenville neighborhoods to prepare our hearts and those of our neighbors for the Advent season. We will be forming groups of carolers with one or more of our Grace Church Warrenville residents for introductions. Additionally, invitations to the Christmas concert will be given to our neighbors along with a festively decorated bag of homemade cookies. We invite you all to join us as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord and sing praises to his name so that our Warrenville residents and the whole earth will proclaim,
We hope you will consider participating in caroling (children are welcome to join a group with their parents), baking cookies, bagging cookies, and/or staying behind to pray and offer warm drinks to returning carolers. We’d love to have a crowd of Grace Church folk join us for this outreach event!
Sign up to help here!
While in this time of shelter-in-place, we will meet for prayer as able in a weekly conference call.
It's time to review our Child Protection Policy! If you volunteer in our children or youth ministries (or would like to join), please plan to attend one of our two training sessions. Both training sessions will take place on August 25th, the first being at 9:00am in the gym and the second at 5:00pm in CE 13.
Come, all ye faithful! On Sunday evening, December 2nd, we will be gathering in groups to go out into the Warrenville neighborhoods to prepare our hearts and those of our neighbors for the Advent season.
Get involved in local outreach by spending a few hours serving those outside of our church who need help with basic yard work/chores. Calling able bodied church attendees with a heart to share the love of Christ. See sign up table in the lobby! RSVP HERE ➝