Grace Church began supporting Dave & Connie Patty in the Czech Republic in 1993 to help churches establish strong youth ministries. Dave is the Founder and Executive Director of Josiah Venture, a ministry that is now flourishing in 14 countries, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe.
Josiah Venture (JV) exists to establish a movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society. The focus of JV has been to train up youth ministry leaders and to evangelize the youth.
Claire grew up the daughter of Josiah Venture leaders Dave & Connie Patty. Through her experience as an MK and during training at Moody Bible Institute, she developed a heart to equip and support JV kids and their families in the challenges they face as "third-culture" kids. Grace Church of DuPage is Claire's sending church. Claire is based out of the Czech Republic, but serves JV kids and their families all across Central and Eastern Europe.