God's Promises


Parent’s Corner- July 19, 2020


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33


There are many promises in the Bible.  Some were given to specific people.  Some were given to specific groups of people.  Some were given to everyone.  In each and every promise, God is the constant.  Whatever storms we may walk through, God is there with us.  What a comfort to know and trust in a firm foundation while storms (or even viruses!) swirl around us.  We are not promised a world without trouble, but we are promised a God who will always be with us!


While we go about our days, whatever trouble we may encounter, whatever illness we might fight, and whatever trials or temptations present themselves, may we walk with the confidence that God is always with us!


This week’s Sunday school lessons. . .


2s and 3s- The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden

Scripture- Genesis 1:28; 2:18-20

Lesson Truth- God wants us to take care of His wonderful world.

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson:

1.     Identify some of the animals Adam named in the garden

2.     Identify Adam and Eve as the first people God made

3.     Answer the question- What did Adam and Eve do for God’s world?

Suggested activities-

1.     Look at books, postcards, pictures, videos illustrating the beauty of God’s world.

2.     Identify animals, even flowers or plants, noting the uniqueness and design.

3.     Discuss ways the child can take care of the areas of his/her world. . . cleaning up toys, caring for a pet or a garden, picking up trash in an area.

4.     Choose a project as a family. . . clean up an area, or take care of a common garden


4s-5th Grade- God Protects Paul

Scripture- Acts 27: 1-44

Principle- Believers respond to the blessing of worship by submitting their heart to God.

Central Truth- Trust God to keep His promises.

Ask Your Child- What promise did God give Paul?

Apply- By rejoicing in promises that God has kept, is keeping, and will keep.

This week- As a family, read Acts 27:1-44.

Next week- Acts 28:11-31