Personal Prayers
Parent’s Corner- July 26, 2020
“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16
What does this look like for you and your family? How do you draw near to the throne of grace? Do you pray out loud as a family? Do you go off by yourself and pray in silence? Do you engage in an activity while you are praying? Do you do some combination of the above?
The picture included in this journal entry is one taken from my walk this morning. It is an image from a park near my home that has houses many of the natural elements that I love . . .open green spaces, water, lots of wildflowers, and early enough in the morning, the simple sounds of nature. I am able to calm my heart here and organize my thoughts and prayers in this place.
Our lessons this week bring up two topics contained in many prayers.
1. Obedience. This is challenging for many, and not just for children! We are responsible for obeying the instructions that God has given us.
2. Spreading the Gospel. We are called to pray for those who, through obedience, dedicate their lives to sharing the gospel. This week, as a family, choose a missionary and let him/her/them know that you are praying for them! Seek to be an encouragement to them today as they work to spread the gospel.
As you pray this week, do so in the confidence that the Lord loves you, and He hears your prayers. He delights in hearing the prayers of His children. . . of any age!
2s/3s- Noah Obeys
Scripture- Genesis 6-7:16
Lesson Truth- Noah obeyed God.
Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson:
1. Tell how Noah obeyed God
2. Tell how they obey
3. Thank God for saving Noah
Suggested activities-
1. Create an ark and act out the story. Allow the stuffed and plastic animals in your house to line up and get ready to board the ark.
2. Animal Crackers make a great snack for this lesson!
3. Sing “God is so Good”. Change the words to “I will obey”. Emphasize that we need to obey God just like Noah obeyed God.
4. Have children retell the story to each other throughout the week.
4s-5th Grade- Paul testifies to the gospel in Rome.
Scripture- Acts 28:11-31
Principle- God sovereignly calls those He chooses through the power of the gospel.
Central Truth- The Gospel keeps spreading, but only those who believe it are saved.
Ask Your Child- How did Paul defend himself to the Jews in Rome?
Apply- By praying that God will give a missionary from your church boldness and the freedom to preach unhindered. (Acts 28:31)
This Week- as a family, read Acts 28:11-31
Next Week- Revelation 1:1-20