John 11:1–44
I The Fatality
II The Fear
III The Fainthearted
IV The Faith
John 9:1–41
I. The Glorification Vs 1-12
II. The Investigation Vs. 13-34
III. The Application Vs. 35-41
John 1:35–51
Read MorePsalm 2:1–12
I. The Absence of Peace
II. Hope in God's Laughter
III. Hope in God's King
IV. Hope in God's Offer
Revelation 4:1–5:14
I. A Vision of the Indescribable Majesty of God – 4:1-11
II. What Happened in the Glorious Presence of God – 5:1-14
Hebrews 2:14–15
I. The God Who Identifies With Us
II. The King Who Destroys Our Enemy
III. The Rescuer Who Delivers Us
Luke 1:11–17
I. God's Stunning Message through His Special Messenger
II. The Message We Should Hear from Him Today
Acts 4:5–22
I. The power behind the healing (vs. 5-12)
II. Power to speak about Jesus (vs. 13-22)
a. The Apostles’ authority is not in themselves.
b. The Apostles testify to what they have seen and heard.
III. God calls you to testify to what you have seen and heard in Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 61:1-4
I. The Hope of Deliverance Is Promised – Isaiah 61:1-4
II. The Fulfillment of a New Deliverance Is Announced – Luke 4:16-21
III. The Reality of this New Deliverance Is Inaugurated – Matthew 11:2-6
LUKE 19:28-44
Holy Week - The Triumphal Entry
- Setting the Scene for Paul’s Final Words
- Paul’s Strange Response to His Suffering
- Three Ways in Which Christ’s Resurrection Impacts Us