Acts 13:13–52
I. The Gospel Heads North
II. Nothing New, Just Promises Fulfilled
III. A Crucial Turn
Acts 13:4–12
I. The Spirit Directs the Missionaries' Steps – 4-5
II. The Spirit Empowers the Missionaries' Works – 6-11
III. The Spirit Accomplishes the Missionaries' Results – 12
Acts 12:25–13:3
I. When a Local Church (v. 1)
II. Has a Holy Hunger (v. 2a)
III. They Hear God’s Call (v. 2b)
IV. To Commission their Best (v. 3)
V. And God’s Gospel Goes to the Ends of the Earth
Acts 12:1–24
I. Enemy
II. Rescue
III. Judgement
Acts 19–30
I. Church History
II. Church Planting
Acts 11:1–18
I. The Sweep and Structure of this Passage
II. The Content and Contribution of this Story
III. The Message and Meaning of this Encounter
Acts 10:9–48
How does God take you out of your comfort zone and into his Mission?
I. God challenges his servant – Acts 10:9-23
II. God invites you into a work he has already begun – Acts 10:24-43
III. God responds to your obedience with demonstrations of his transforming power – Acts 10:44-48
Acts 9:32–10:8
I. Disease is no obstacle to God's saving power and purpose. – 9:32-35
II. Death is no obstacle to God's saving power and purpose. – 9:36-43
III. How about religious prejudice? – 10:1-8
Acts 9:1–31
I. Saul Meets Jesus – 1-9
II. Saul Meets Ananias – 10-25
III. Saul Meets the Apostles – 26-31
Acts 8:26–40
I. 8:26-29 - Mission and the Initiative of God
II. 8:30-35 - Mission and the Story of God
III. 8:36-40 - Mission and Hindrances Overcome
Acts 8:4–25
I. Philip’s Ministry in Samaria – 4-13
II. Peter and John’s Ministry in Samaria – 14-25
III. Matters of Importance to Us
Acts 6:8–8:3
I. Introduction
II. The Setting 6:8–15
III. The Sermon 6:15–7
IV. The Stoning 7:54–60
V. The Scattering 8:1–3
VI. Conclusion
Acts 6:1–7
I. Of Hellenists and Hebrews: Growth and Crisis in the Early Church
II. Of “Ministry”: The Raising Up of Seven to Serve at Table
III. “Of Chance and Choice”: Five Facets of How God Calls
Acts 5:12–42
I. Miraculous Affirmations Through the Apostles – 12-16
II. Miraculous Affirmations To the Apostles - 17-42
III. Takeaways from The Apostles' Experiences
Acts 4:32–5:11
I. The Uniquely Selfless Love of the New Church – 4:32-35
II. One Positive Example of this Selfless Love – 4:36-37
III. Two Negative Examples Lacking this Love – 5:1-11
Acts 4:23–31
I. When God's People Pray... – 23-30
II. ... God Hears and Answers – 31
Acts 4:5–22
I. The power behind the healing (vs. 5-12)
II. Power to speak about Jesus (vs. 13-22)
a. The Apostles’ authority is not in themselves.
b. The Apostles testify to what they have seen and heard.
III. God calls you to testify to what you have seen and heard in Jesus Christ.
Acts 3:1–4:4
I. Peter and John Display the Power of Jesus’ Name – 3:1-10
II. Peter Proclaims the Power of Jesus’ Name – 3:11-26
III. The Varied Responses to Peter’s Proclamation – 4:1-4
Luke 24:1–49
I. Luke’s Telling of the Resurrection of Jesus – 1-12
II. Luke’s Unique Account of the Rest of That Day – 13-49
III. Luke’s Intent of What This Should Mean for Us
Luke 19:28–48
I. Who is this that is visiting?
II. How is He received?
III. What will He do about it?
IV. What will we do about it?