Luke 2:29–32
Read MoreLuke 1:68–79
I. Blessed Be the Lord - 68-75
II. Blessed Be the Child - 76-79
Luke 1:46–55
I. Mary’s Personal Reflection – 46-49
II. Mary’s Theological Reflection – 50-53
III. Mary’s Historical Reflection – 54-55
Luke 1:11–17
I. God's Stunning Message through His Special Messenger
II. The Message We Should Hear from Him Today
Acts 21:37–22:29
I. Oppression or Opportunity?
II. Self-Actualizing or Self-Identifying?
III. Deconstructing or Redirecting?
IV. Canceled or Christlike?
Acts 21:17–36
I. The Wide-Ranging Experiences of Paul’s First Week in Jerusalem
II. Learning with Paul in the School of Persecution in Jerusalem
Acts 21:1–16
I. Paul and His Team Travel Across the Mediterranean Sea – 1-6
II. Paul and His Team Travel Down the Mediterranean Coast – 7-14
III. Paul and His Team Travel Up to Jerusalem – 15-16
Acts 20:17–38
I. Paul’s Example
II. Paul’s Direction
III. The Bonds of Love
Acts 20:1–16
I. Greece/Encouragement and Disciples (1-6)
II. Eutychus/Power and Purpose (7-12)
III. Toward Jerusalem/Honoring the Foundations (13-16)
Acts 19:8–41
I. The Remarkable Story of the Gospel Coming to Ephesus
II. The Remarkable Impact This Should Have on Us Today
Acts 18:18–19:7
I. Scene 1: Paul Finishes His Second Journey – 18:18-22
II. Scene 2: Interlude: Priscilla & Aquila and Apollos – 18:24-28
III. Scene 3: Paul Begins His Third Journey – 18:23; 19:1-7
Acts 18:1–17
I. An Old Precedent Experienced in the Corinthian Synagogue – 1-8
II. A New Precedent Established in the Roman Court – 9-17
III. Three Practical Implications for Us Today
Acts 17:16–34
I. Noticing the Need – 16-21
II. Telling the Truth – 22-31
III. Receiving the Results – 32-34
Acts 17:1–15
I. A Fresh Start – 1-4
II. A Familiar Scuffle – 5-9
III. A Fresh Start – 10-12
IV. A Familiar Scuffle – 13-15
Acts 16:25–40
Scene 1: Shaken foundations
Scene 2: A bright light in a very dark place
Scene 3: A nest of improbabilities
Scene 4: Roman soldier and Roman law in service of the most high God
Scene 5: Though the dogs bark, the caravan moves on.
Acts 16:11–24
A Most Extraordinary Woman
A Young Woman Doubly Cursed
Is the Gospel Enough?
Acts 16:6–15
I. Waiting to Hear from the Lord – 6-10
II. The Fruit of Listening to the Lord – 11-15
Acts 15:36–16:5
I. The Disagreement and the Departures – 15:36-41
II. The Disciple and the Delivery – 16:1-5
III. The Deductions and the Direction
Acts 15:1–35
I. The Need for Clarification – 1-5
II. The Process of Clarification – 6-21
III. The Report on Clarification – 22-29
IV. The Result of Clarification – 30-35
Acts 14:1–28
I. God Is Present with His Messengers, Affirming Their Message
II. God’s Messengers Face Persistent Opposition in Their Work
III. True Messengers Sense No Incongruity in This Scenario